Geographical Literacy Learning Management Model to Enhance Holistic Thinking Skills: Case Studies of Registered Gluay Kai Kamphaeng Phet as Geographical Indications by Using Banana Garden as Based Learning
Learning management model, Geography, Holistic thinking, Gluay Kai Kamphaeng Phet, Geographical indicationsAbstract
This study had two objectives: 1. To study the current situations and the need in geographical literacy learning management 2. Develop a geographical literacy learning management model to enhance holistic thinking skills: case studies of registered Gluay Kai Kamphaeng phet as geographical indications by using banana garden as based learning. This is qualitative research by Inductive methodology. The main informants were three group comprised of students, geography teachers, and banana experts include farmers who have experience about Gluay Kai Kamphaeng Phet, and District Agricultural Extension Officers. There were 64 participants and the scope of studying was the secondary school in Khlonglan District. Using registered Gluay kai Kamphaeng Phet as geographical indications garden in Khlonglan District, the data was analyzed by analytic induction from informants in each group and the statistics used for data analysis were frequency and percentage from the interview, focus group discussion, and method triangulation together with methodological triangulation. The results of this study found the current situations and needs in geographical literacy learning management. The first ranking is hands-on activities with 100%, the second is readiness of equipment and teaching materials, the use of community learning resources and the expertise of the teachers with 69.23%, the third is the literacy of the learners and the activities that enhance thinking with 61.54%, the fourth is time spent with 53.85%, the fifth is local pride with 46.15%, the sixth was fun activities with 38.46%. The data was brought into groups and the information used to create a learning management guideline on four issues: 1) Organizing learning activities outside the classroom 2) Learning management that allows students to actually practice 3) learning management that focuses on developing thinking skills 4) Learning management that emphasizes happiness and fun, and then uses the learning management approach to create three principles of learning management: 1) building pride in local farming methods 2) developing thinking skills using geographic processes and 3) child-centered learning. The researcher created a geographical literacy learning management model to enhance holistic thinking skills by using Gluay kai Kamphaeng Phet as geographical indications-based learning through the Enhance GI Kamphaeng Phet Activity, which consists of four steps: “Mong Tin Hai Rob Roo” (insightful knowledge of the local community), telling the factors, disentanglement of the suspect, and understanding all of the content in holistic manner from the results of this study. Creating the KHLONGLAN Model can lead to be the model for managing geography courses that promote holistic thinking skills. This gives learners holistic thinking skills at a very good level. Students come up with thoughts that connect the relationship of various environmental and physical factors, namely, the species of Gluay Kai, territorial conditions, climate, density, fertilizer, minerals, moisture, care, and people using the local Kamphaeng Phet banana plantation learning resources.
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