Factors affecting the satisfaction of website users Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
Website, technology adoption, system quality, satisfactionAbstract
This exploratory research examine factors influencing website users and suggests ways to increase website quality of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT),. The samples in this study were 400 RMUTT personnel and students determined by the Taro Yamane’s sample size and selected by Quota sampling. The research instrument used was a self-administered questionnaire. Statistical analysis included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression were employed for the hypothesis test. The results revealed that overall, the respondents’ satisfaction towards their use of the faculty website was at a high level, namely, ease of use, quality of data, quality of service, and perception towards usefulness. The hypothesis test revealed that factors related to quality of the website, and those related to technology acceptance, were correlated with factors connected to users’ satisfaction towards the website at the statistically significant difference level of 0.05. The multiple regression analysis could predict of factors concerning perception towards technology affected users’ satisfaction in the following aspects: ease of use (R2 = .679), and usefulness (R2 = .241). For suggestions and directions, it was found that the information on the site should be up to date and there should be information about various activities clearly communicated to the students.
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