The Development of the Computer Network Service Support System by Integrating the Client Database : A Case Study at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
Information Technology, Network Services, Database IntegrationAbstract
This research consisted of three parts: 1. Study the conditions, problems, and obstacles of the network user service of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, 2. Develop a system to support computer network services by integrating the client database of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, and 3. Study the satisfaction of the users toward the system. The researcher developed the information system in the form of a web application (Web Application) and used the system development life cycle (SDLC) to design and develop the system. The sample group used in this research was composed of 400 students, professors and personnel from Chiang Mai Rajabhat University selected by accidental sampling. The statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The results of the research found that problems accessing the network services, in general, were at a high level. Considering each aspect, it was found that the wireless network service (CMRU-WiFi) had the highest problems, followed by electronic mail services (CMRU-MAIL), and virtual private network services (VPN), respectively. In developing the computer network service support system by integrating the client database, various other features were included, such as registration, usage requests, usage approval, and issuing various reports related to networking. The results of the satisfaction assessment show that, in general, the average value was at a high level ( = 4.16, S.D = 0.994). When considering each aspect, we found that the system design had the highest satisfaction, followed by the efficiency and benefits of the system, and the support and service provision, respectively.
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