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Personnel, Performance Agreement System, Satisfaction, Performance AgreementAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction assessment of performance agreement for the personnel of the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University. The research tools in this study were both open-ended and close-ended questionnaires that were completed by 95 staff members of the faculty. The results of the study revealed that both the academic staff and the supporting staff had a high level of satisfaction with the performance agreement system with an overall average score of 3.71±0.89 and a high level of satisfaction with the methods of personal appraisal with an average score of 3.61±0.82. Additionally, the statistical analysis revealed that the academic staff had a higher level of satisfaction with the methods of Personal Appraisal than the supporting staff with the statistical significance at p < 0.05. The results of this study showed that the performance agreement system is one of the crucial tools for creating motivation in the personnel of the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies at Mahidol University to work to their full potential that also resulted in concrete progress of the faculty. Still, there should be a consistent development and assessment of the evaluation of the performance agreement system in order to keep it up-to-date and specifically allow the pertinent persons or staff members to participate in a mutually accepted evaluation that can be used to create an integrated and systematic personnel development plan with consistent monitoring, which will lead to the most efficient development of the staff and the faculty in regard to the performance agreement.
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