Language Learning Strategies Used by International Students in Learning the Thai Language


  • Nurizzi Rifqi Ferdian School of Liberal Arts Walailak University Thasala, Nakhon Si Thammarat


language learninge strategies, Walailak University international students, Thai language learning


This study investigated the language learning strategies used by international students who had different language backgrounds in learning the Thai language at Walailak University. This case study was administered after the students completed an intensive course on the Thai language conducted by the university. This class was solely for the 10 international students who wished to develop their Thai basic communication skill for the purpose of interacting with Thais around them. The qualitative data were collected from each participant in a one-to-one interview. The results from the 10 interviews showed that the students preferred to use three language learning strategies, namely 1) the use of L1 translation to the target language, 2) thinking in the target language, such as remembering specific words, sentences, and expressions and 3) practicing with the local people who can speak English.


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How to Cite

Ferdian, N. R. (2017). Language Learning Strategies Used by International Students in Learning the Thai Language. Walailak Journal of Learning Innovations, 2(2), 79–93. retrieved from