The Effects of Project-Based Learning on Chinese Vocabulary Learning Achievement of Secondary Three Thai Students


  • Ji Jincheng
  • Anchalee Chayanuvat


This study aimed to study whether Project-based Learning (PBL) could enhance Chinese vocabulary learning achievement of Secondary Three Thai students and to study the students’ satisfaction levels with Chinese vocabulary learning through Project-based Learning. The study adopted a class for an experimental study design. The population of this study was 30 students from Class 3/2 of a school in Bangkok. There were 11 males and 19 females in the PBL case study course. A pre/post-test was used before and after the intervention to assess the learning achievement of the students. A questionnaire asking about the students’ satisfaction was administered after the experiment to explore their levels of satisfaction with PBL. A semi-structured interview was employed to collect the students’ feedback about the course they participated in. The findings revealed that the PBL lessons could enhance Chinese vocabulary learning achievement of the participants. The Post-test mean score was 44.76, that was higher than that of the pre-test (18.23). The one Sample T-test revealed that there was a significant value of p<0.05, thus confirming that the effectiveness of PBL approach. The questionnaire data showed that all items were ranked at the very high level. This means the students were satisfied with the approach used by the researcher. Data from semi-structured interview indicated that students improved their necessary skills of the 21st century such as teamwork and self-directed learning. Further studies on PBL with different groups of Chinese students are recommended.


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How to Cite

Jincheng, J., & Chayanuvat, A. . (2020). The Effects of Project-Based Learning on Chinese Vocabulary Learning Achievement of Secondary Three Thai Students. Walailak Journal of Learning Innovations, 6(2), 133–164. retrieved from