A Study of Relation between Behavior of Facebook Use and University Students’ Academic Performance, using Structural Equation Model
Facebook, Facebook API, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Model, Students’ AchievementAbstract
The objective of this research was to study the casual relation of Facebook usage factors influencing the academic performance of students in Prince of Songkla university Surat Thani Campus. The sample was the undergraduate students registering computer courses from which the 320 sample sizes were collected by an Application Programming Interface (API). Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model by R programming. Results showed that averaged-time comments directly affect the students’ academic performance with a significant level of 0.05, but those did not affect the grade point average of the students. The number of all comments affects both students’ academic performance and the cumulative grade point average of the students with a significant level of 0.001. The final score directly affects the cumulative grade point average with a significant level of 0.001.
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