Designing of Learning Media to Develop Skills in the Art and Design through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Learners of All
Learning Media Kit, Art and Design, Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Abstract
The study aimed to investigate the creative thinking process and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as information for designing a learning media kit to develop the creative thinking skill on art and design for learners in all ages and then compared the effectiveness of creative thinking works between those who received the learning media kit and those who received the creative experience management in normal situations.
The study was conducted in total 3 steps as follows: Step 1 – Preparation, the author investigated 2 following issues, namely creative thinking process information and UDL concept, and product design information by collecting the basic needs information from 60 key informants and using the results in Step 2 - The Design of Learning Media Kit and Analysis of The Product Design Specification (PDS) with 3 main issues consisting of the elements of product design details, creative thinking and UDL; and Step 3 - Trial the Learning Media Kit to compare the effectiveness of creative thinking works between 64 samples who received the learning media kit (A) by Stratified Sampling Method and 68 samples who received normal experience management (B). It was found that those who received the learning media kit (A) and those who received the normal experience management (B) were significantly different creative thinking evaluation score at 0.05 which is in accordance with the hypothesis.
The total self-assessment scores of creative thinking level of those who received the learning media kit (A) was at a very good level ( = 4.77, SD = 0.44) and those who received the experience management in normal situations (B) had total average score at a good level (
= 3.93, SD = 0.84) and total average satisfaction level towards learning media kit in all aspects was at a very good level (
= 4.88, SD = 0.39).
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