Fraktur Script:

Another Key to the World of German Language and Culture


  • Akra Chowchong Chulalongkorn University
  • Peera Panarut Universität Hamburg


Fraktur script, History of German typefaces, German orthography, Type and national identity, Reading German documents printed in Fraktur


This article highlights the relevance of Fraktur, a typeface widely used in German language and culture until the Second World War, which has been associated for many centuries with German national identity as well as Protestantism in the German cultural context. Readers unaccustomed to its distinctive appearance and orthography may experience trouble reading texts written in Fraktur. This article, therefore, deals with the origin of Fraktur in brief, introduces its forms and basic orthography and provides example texts, which could be useful for research dealing with texts in German featuring this typeface.

Author Biographies

Akra Chowchong, Chulalongkorn University

German Section, Department of Western Languages, Faculty of Arts

Peera Panarut, Universität Hamburg

Exzellenzcluster ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC)



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How to Cite

Chowchong, . A., & Panarut, P. (2022). Fraktur Script:: Another Key to the World of German Language and Culture. Journal of Letters, 51(1), 1–25. retrieved from



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