Identity Formation of Migrant Characters in Catalin Dorian Florescu’s Novels Jacob beschließt zu lieben and Der Mann, der das Glück bringt


  • Aratee Kaewsumrit Chulalongkorn University


Catalin Dorian Florescu, identity, migration literature, Jacob beschließt zu lieben, Der Mann, der das Glück bringt


This research article outlines the process of identity formation of migrant characters in the novels Jacob beschließt zu lieben (2011) and Der Mann, der das Glück bringt (2016) by Catalin Dorian Florescu, a famous contemporary Swiss author who was born in Romania. The study shows that the characters in both novels form their identities in similar ways. Due to hard social contexts and their longings for survival, they form flexible and fluid identities which do not adhere to their ethnic and cultural roots. Such identity formation which crosses cultural boundaries, and the settings in places of cultural hybridity like Banat and New York, moreover, reflect the illusion of an essential, fixed and permanent identity and the assumption that a nation is composed of a single “pure” culture.

Author Biography

Aratee Kaewsumrit, Chulalongkorn University

German Section, Department of Western Languages, Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Kaewsumrit, A. (2022). Identity Formation of Migrant Characters in Catalin Dorian Florescu’s Novels Jacob beschließt zu lieben and Der Mann, der das Glück bringt. Journal of Letters, 51(1), 76–96. Retrieved from



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