
Space, Gender, and Myth in Khachapura and Nakorn Aiyara


  • อรวรรณ ฤทธิ์ศรีธร Doctor of Philosophy Program in Thai (Literature), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University
  • ปฐม หงษ์สุวรรณ Department of Thai and Oriental Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University
  • ธัญญา สังขพันธานนท์ Department of Thai, Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University


Ecotopia, Myth, Ecocentrism, Space, Power


This article analyzes the meaning of Khachapura City in the novels Khachapura and Nakorn Aiyara by Pongsakorn who is a famous fantasy novel writer. The key theoretical approach of this article is based on ecocriticism. The article has three topics: Khachapura City as the purification of space, Khachapura City as a myth of ecocentric space and Khachapura City as a space that is other. Analysis shows that Khachapura City is the purification of space through a barrier to access; people must have four magical objects for access. Moreover, the purification of space is connected to patriarchy. Khachapura City is a myth of ecocentric of space represented by sacred elephants, and also it is a space where humans dominate nature for their own benefit. It is a representation of sufficiency which is different from the ruling class and is a representation of being one with nature, which is a sign of the myth of ecocentricity. Khachapura City as a space that is other; it is unacceptable to scientific discourse. In summary, this article reveals the uncertainty of ecocentricity as ecotopia, which is a space of social meaning.


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How to Cite

ฤทธิ์ศรีธร อ., หงษ์สุวรรณ ป., & สังขพันธานนท์ ธ. (2019). Ecotopia:: Space, Gender, and Myth in Khachapura and Nakorn Aiyara. Journal of Letters, 48(1), 120–143. retrieved from