The Use of English Vocabulary of Master’s Degree Students in Buddhist Educational Administration of the Faculty of Education at Mahachulalongkornrajavidlaya University

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Phra Authen Apiwatthano (Bunsam)
Veerakarn Kanokkamalade
Phra Wichian Parichano


The objectives of this research were (1) to study the use of English vocabulary by the Second year Master’s Degree Students in Buddhist Educational Administration of the Faculty of Education and(2) to analyze English vocabulary used by the Second-year Master’s Degree Students in Buddhist Educational Administration of the Faculty of Education. This study used a mixed methodology to address research inquiries, incorporating quantitative and qualitative data. It analyzed 22 questionnaires distributed to 30 second-year students to identify issues with English vocabulary and propose solutions. Additionally, five key informant teachers were interviewed to gain insight into their experiences teaching English as a second language. The study aimed to offer effective strategies for addressing English vocabulary challenges.

          The result of the findings was found as follows: The problems in this study showed that most of the students faced difficulties in the use of English vocabulary in a very short period, lack of vocabulary, and loss of confidence to use with others, which were totaled rate at a medium level (M= 3.37, SD = 0.91). A study on English vocabulary use found that many respondents need to motivate themselves and use different strategies, such as reading English books, listening to music, watching movies, and practicing with others, to improve their skills. which were totaled rate at a high level (M= 3.56, SD = 0.90). According to the interview, most of the teachers reported that students lacked confidence, lacked skills in learning languages, and the ways to solve the problems were to build the confidence, motivation, and practice more and more in their daily lives.

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How to Cite
(Bunsam), P. A. A. ., Kanokkamalade , V., & Parichano, P. W. (2024). The Use of English Vocabulary of Master’s Degree Students in Buddhist Educational Administration of the Faculty of Education at Mahachulalongkornrajavidlaya University. วารสารพุทธจิตวิทยา, 9(3), 456–463. สืบค้น จาก


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