A Study of the Effective English Teaching Strategies for the Multicultural Classroom at Mahachulalornkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus

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Phra Theeratphid Salawinphonphana
Wisuttichai Chaiyasit
Samran Khansamrong


The objectives of the research aim 1) to study the effective English teaching strategies in using for the multicultural classroom, 2) to explore the Attitudes and Perceptions of different cultural students in the multicultural classroom at Mahachulalornkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai campus, and 3) to propose the guideline for the effective English teaching strategies in using for the multicultural classroom at Mahachulalornkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai campus. This research employed the mixed method, the Quantitative and the Qualitative research. For the quantitative, the sampling groups were forty-seven 4th-year B.A. students in the Faculty of Humanities of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus, including monks, novices, and laypersons. The research instrument was a five-level scale questionnaire. The results of study the of effective English teaching strategies for multicultural classrooms, including the effective English teaching strategies, Attitudes, and Perceptions were high rates. In the qualitative research, in-depth interviews were conducted by interviewing the key informants by recording the sound and transcript into the passage. In addition, nine key informants who are the lecturers of the Faculty of Humanities were interviewed. The results of the in-depth interview indicated that effective English teaching strategies for multicultural classrooms must be included, supporting students in participation, teachers being the facilitators, and adjusting pedagogies along with students’ level. In the case of attitude, teachers in the multicultural classroom must be; loving-kindness, treat students equally, and be curious about students’ lifestyles. The terms of perceptions of teachers in the multicultural classroom were; realization of language (mother tongue), seeking of student’s history, and acknowledging educational background. Additionally, the appropriate guidelines for effective English teaching strategies for the multicultural classroom proposed that teachers must integrate any activities and exercises to form cultural acceptance, and learn from each other teachers must play the role of facilitator.

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How to Cite
Salawinphonphana, P. T., Chaiyasit, W., & Khansamrong, S. (2024). A Study of the Effective English Teaching Strategies for the Multicultural Classroom at Mahachulalornkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus. วารสารพุทธจิตวิทยา, 9(1), 51–61. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jbp/article/view/268100


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