ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างหลักธรรมอิทธิบาท 4 กับบทบาทการสอนวิปัสสนาภาวนาของ พระสงฆ์อำเภอสรรพยา จังหวัดชัยนาท

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พระอธิการอำพรรณ โรจนธมฺโม (ปักษิณ)


This thesis " Relationship Between Iddhipada IV and Role of Teaching
Vipassana Meditation of The Monks in Sappaya District, Chainat Province." Thas three
purposes namely. 1) to study level of Relationship Between Iddhipada IV and role
of teaching Vipassana meditation of the monks in Sappaya District, Chainat Province.
2) to compare effect of personal factors with level of Relationship Between Iddhipada
IV and role of the teaching forms focus on Vipassana meditation retreat of the monks
in Sappaya District, Chainat Province. 3) to study the relationship between Buddhist
principles and level of role of teaching Vipassana meditation of the monks in Sappaya
District, Chainat Province. The samples are 104 monks in Sappaya District, Chainat
Province., the instruments used in this study was questionnaire. The data was
analyzed by using percentages, mean ( X ), standard deviation (S.D.) and F-test (One-

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