Policy Recommendations for Carbon Footprint Reduction to Enhance Carbon Neutral Tourism in Krabi Province, Thailand
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This research aimed (1) to analyze the carbon footprint of tourism activities and businesses in Krabi province focusing on the marine tourism, (2) to evaluate carbon footprint of tourism activities and business in Krabi province, and (3) to propose recommendations to the policy maker to reduce the carbon footprint and enhance carbon neutral tourism in Krabi province. This study employed a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews and focus group. The key informants were selected by purposive sampling technique. The key informants were the experts in the carbon footprint of tourism-related activities from three groups, comprising of the government agencies, the tourism private sector, and the local communities. The data was analyzed using content analysis technique. The findings revealed that tourism activities in Krabi province consist of four main tourism services. Transportation was identified as the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, reaching 36.25%, with a greenhouse gas emission of 0.3658 tCO2e, followed by waste management, food and beverage service, and accommodation respectively. This research proposed four policies to promote carbon neutral tourism as follows: (A) prioritize the use of alternative or renewable energy sources in transportation and improving travel planning efficiency, (B) reduce waste or garbage during the service process and promoting tourism service management practices that minimize leftover materials from tourism activities, (C) prioritize local organic or non-chemical food sources and minimize food processing, reduce or avoid purchasing animal products with high carbon footprint, and purchase local products, and (D) support green management hotels which manage carbon reduction, compensation, and repurchase.
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