Chinese Enterprise Overtime Working Problems and Its Solutions: Case of Jinan City, Shangdon Province, China

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Sun Tingting
Pattama Pasitpakakul


In the context of China's fast-expanding economy, extended working hours have become a hallmark of many corporate cultures. This practice, often labeled the "996" work regimen (9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 days a week), has increasingly come under scrutiny. Hence, this study aimed to: (1) examine the prevalence of overtime work in Chinese enterprises, (2) identify the challenges associated with excessive overtime, and (3) explore potential solutions. Our research focused on 15 employees from three private firms in the fields of software technology, metallurgy, and energy-saving investments, all located in Jinan, Shandong province. These participants were chosen for in-depth interviews, and data was collected via interview sheets. Subsequent content analysis revealed the following:
1.    Overtime work is a widespread phenomenon in Chinese enterprises, particularly in major urban areas and certain sectors. Even though organizations outline tasks to be completed within regular work hours, employees frequently resort to overtime to meet job demands, due to reasons such as impending deadlines, client requirements, and overtime pay policies. However, the government has recently been advocating for balanced work hours and urging firms to enhance work environments to minimize overtime.
2.    The challenges stemming from excessive overtime in Chinese companies include:  1) Adverse impacts on worker health, 2) Diminished life quality for employees, 3) Strained familial ties, and 4) Infringements on the legitimate rights of workers.
3.    Potential remedies to address the overtime issue include: 1) Refining vocational and technical training systems, 2) Bolstering human resource management strategies, 3) Developing a comprehensive childcare framework, and 4) Ensuring proper protection of employee rights.

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How to Cite
Tingting, S. ., & Pasitpakakul, P. (2023). Chinese Enterprise Overtime Working Problems and Its Solutions: Case of Jinan City, Shangdon Province, China. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 7(2), 121–132.
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