The School Policy Imposition to Solve the Problems of Early Love Among Chinese High School Students

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Yi Huang
Pattama Pasitpakakul


This article's objectives encompassed investigating the factors influencing early romantic relationships among high school students, analyzing the repercussions of such relationships on these students, and proposing policy interventions to address the issue. The research involved a sample of 26 participants, including students with romantic experiences, teachers familiar with student romantic issues, parents, and school leaders. Data collection employed interviews, with subsequent analysis using descriptive and content analysis techniques. The study identified psychological, physiological, and social factors as the primary influencers of early love among high school students. It also highlighted the impact of early romantic involvement on students, encompassing psychological, physiological, academic, and interpersonal dimensions. To mitigate this issue, the study recommends a multifaceted approach, including the establishment of a comprehensive student support system, enhanced legal education, standardized uniforms for all high schools, media coverage regulations, strengthened social monitoring, rigorous internet content management, and the creation of a dedicated research institution. These measures collectively aim to create a healthier environment for high school students grappling with early romantic relationships.

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How to Cite
Huang, Y. ., & Pasitpakakul, P. (2023). The School Policy Imposition to Solve the Problems of Early Love Among Chinese High School Students. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 7(2), 105–120.
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