Enhancing Tourism through Cultural Conservation: A Study of Puen Ancestors Worship Festival in Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand
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This research aimed to evaluate the conservation needs and analyze the conservation process of the Puen ancestors worship festival for tourism promotion in Sai Moon subdistrict, Ongkharak district, Nakhon Nayok province. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the study involved questionnaires completed by 303 local residents and analyzed the data through standard deviation, correlation, and ordinary multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed high conservation needs in organizing activities, public relations, and participation, while wisdom transfer and cultural preservation were at moderate levels. The study also identified a significant demand for facilities and tourist-participatory activities, with public relations showing a lower impact on tourism promotion compared to wisdom transfer. However, the research was limited by its geographical and methodological scope, indicating that the findings should be applied cautiously beyond the studied area. It recommended enhancing local conservation efforts, particularly in public relations and cultural education, and developing sustainable, participatory tourism experiences. The research suggested that future studies should expand to other regions, employ qualitative methods for deeper cultural insights, and assess the long-term impact of tourism on cultural sustainability.
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