Farmers’ Entrepreneurship: Willingness, Behavior and Performance of Hunan Province Central China

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Yufei Zhou


This Article aimed 1) to study the influencing factors of farmers' entrepreneurial performance in Hunan Province, 2) to analyse the impact of entrepreneurial willingness on entrepreneurial behaviour and entrepreneurial performance of farmers in Hunan Province and 3) to propose policy recommendations to promote farmers' entrepreneurial performance in Hunan Province. This study was conducted through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. In the quantitative part, the sample was 400 peasant entrepreneurs in Hunan Province. They were selected by simple method, sent questionnaires to the farmer entrepreneurs in Hunan Province through questionnaire star, WeChat, QQ and email. Regarding the qualitative analysis, the sample consisted of 10 people, including 5 farmer entrepreneurs and 5 Ph.D.s in management who have been working in farmer entrepreneurship for many years. The instrument for collecting data has 2 types: questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Analysis data by percentage, mean, and standard deviation. And content analysis. The research results were found as follows;

1. The influencing factors of farmers' entrepreneurial performance in Hunan Province is Entrepreneurial behavior includes entrepreneurial team, entrepreneurial resources and entrepreneurial opportunities. 2. Entrepreneurial willingness has a direct positive effect on farmers' entrepreneurial behavior in terms of entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial resources and entrepreneurial teams. But entrepreneurial willingness will have an indirect positive effect on farmers' entrepreneurial performance through entrepreneurial behavior.3. Based on the findings of the study, countermeasures to promote farmers' entrepreneurship in their hometowns are proposed: 1) Guide and support female entrepreneurship. 2) Emphasize entrepreneurship training and education. 3) Improve farmers' entrepreneurial willingness. 4) Enhance farmers' entrepreneurial behavior. And 5) Encourage multiple forms of entrepreneurship.

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How to Cite
Zhou , Y. (2024). Farmers’ Entrepreneurship: Willingness, Behavior and Performance of Hunan Province Central China. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 8(1). Retrieved from
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