The Causal Relationship Factors Affecting to Performance for Luxury Business Operations Through Online Channels in Beijing Areas Republic of China

Main Article Content

Guo Zhi
Wanpen Pengsomboon
Supattra Chantanasiri
Thananwarin Kosithanin


This article aimed 1) to study causal factors affecting fashion luxury business operations through online channels, 2) to study the relationship of causal factors influencing the operation of fashion luxury business through online channels and 3) to develop a correlation pattern of causal factors affecting fashion luxury business operations through online channels. Quantitative research, the sample was Chinese luxury business entrepreneurs who are operating fashion items on online mediums includes 800 Chinese luxury-goods dealers 2016 to 2022. A total of 400 samples were obtained through the Taro Yamane method of sample size calculation. They were selected by simple method. Qualitative research, the sample consisted of 11 telemarketers operating a luxury fashion business in Beijing, China. Mainly with 3 enterprises management personnel, two managers from the human resources management department of the enterprise and six senior employees with over ten years of experience in the marketing management department of the enterprise. The instrument for collecting data are two types: questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;

1.  Service quality, innovation, sellers marketing effort had an impact over the buyer seller relationship and even over the performance of the company.

2. Service quality, innovation, sellers marketing effort had an impact over the organization performance, helps building positive brand image and authenticity.

3. Businesses should prioritize service quality, and relationship building to enhance both the quality of the buyer-seller relationship and overall performance. By focusing on these factors, companies can foster mutually beneficial relationships with their customers and achieve higher levels of performance.

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How to Cite
Zhi, G., Pengsomboon, W. ., Chantanasiri , S. ., & Kosithanin, T. . (2023). The Causal Relationship Factors Affecting to Performance for Luxury Business Operations Through Online Channels in Beijing Areas Republic of China. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 7(2), 209–226.
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