The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction of Electric Vehicles in Changsha City, Hunan Province, China
Main Article Content
Evolution of science and technology, this makes it easy to check product quality. But to satisfy customers, there is no tool that can do it. This Article aimed 1) to study the factors that affect customer satisfaction, 2) to study the relationships of influences factors and customer satisfaction, and 3) to build a model of relationship between corporate social responsibility and customer satisfaction in Chinese electrical vehicle enterprises. This is a research mixed method. The quantitative research, the sample was 405 of electrical vehicle customers in Changsha city, Hunan province, China. They were selected by simple method. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaires which consists of two parts: personal information of respondents and opinions on corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation value perceived by customers and customer satisfaction. The qualitative research method is in-depth interviews, mainly with 7 experts for the research, among which, 4 experts are managers from the electrical vehicle enterprises, 1 expert is from the government s supervision department of Changsha City, Hunan Province, and 2 experts are professors in universities. The instrument for collecting data was the depth of the discussion. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;
1. Corporate social responsibility has positive impact on corporate reputation, customer perceived value and customer satisfaction.
2. Corporate social responsibility contributes positively to consumer satisfaction through the intermediary variables of corporate reputation and customer perceived value. It is concluded that corporate social responsibility contributes positively to consumer satisfaction through the intermediary variables of corporate reputation and customer perceived value.
3. A new model has been established to improve customer satisfaction through corporate social responsibility implementation.
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