The Development Consumers’ Repurchase Intention of Fresh Products on Community E-Commerce Platform in Changsha, Hunan Province, China
Main Article Content
This article aimed 1) To study the influence between customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer trust and repurchase intention of fresh consumers on community e-commerce platforms. 2) To establish a complete theoretical model of fresh consumers' repurchase intention on community e-commerce platforms, and 3) to provide directional suggestions for the development of community e-commerce platforms. The sample of quantitative research was the fresh consumers of the “Xingsheng Youxuan” community e-commerce platform in Changsha, Hunan Province. They were selected by the concept of Cochran (1977), the instrument for collecting data was Questionnaire. The qualitative research method is mainly in-depth interviews, researcher invited 5 Doctor of Management and 5 fresh consumers in the “Xingsheng Youxuan” community platform. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;
1) Customer experience has a significant positive impact on repurchase intention; customer experience has a significant positive impact on customer trust and customer satisfaction; customer trust and customer satisfaction have a significant positive impact on repurchase intention; customer Experience has an indirect positive impact on repurchase intention through customer trust and customer satisfaction.
2) Integrating the S-O-R theory, expectation confirmation theory and customer experience theory, a theoretical model of factors influencing the repurchase intention of fresh food consumers on the community e-commerce platform was constructed. The consistency index of the SEM is consistent with the empirical data (χ2/df=2.002, p=0.000, RMSEA=0.049, GFI=0.945, CFI=0.951, TLI=0.941)
3) The researchers proposed to improve the supporting service experience of the community fresh food e-commerce platform; strengthen quality supervision, enrich product categories; enhance customer perceived value; improve internal control system, improve customer trust and satisfaction and other development suggestions.
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