Conception of Local Budgeting Performance Indicators Storage

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Tetiana Zhyber


The paper devoted to the collecting, analyzing and publishing performance information in public budgeting with new information technologies applying importance. Its implementation proposed through the concept of using an interactive data warehouse on a countrywide scale with the local budgeting in Ukraine as example case. The model of data storage and using concept has relied on implementation of the local budget programs performance indicators formulated. The scientific and technical conditions of data utilizing described. Proposed model shows the scheme of performance information flows on an example of particular types of the performance indicators, the conditions for their directly beneficial uses are determined; the levels of qualitative and quantitative data composition for the information system were specified. In support of the data storage model conception implementation authors systematized the benefits of budget entity’s performance information publicity and its exploit for the further enhance performance information analysis in the multicriteria-based decision-making.

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How to Cite
Zhyber, T. . (2020). Conception of Local Budgeting Performance Indicators Storage. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 4(1), 1–10. retrieved from
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