Career Planning and Development of Four and Five-Star Hotels in Chonburi and Rayong Provinces

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Paratchanun Charoenpornwattana (Ph.D.)


The hotel industry has been recognized as a global industry around the world. To gain competitive advantage and enhance employee performance, hotel businesses strive to maximize their human capital through improving the career planning and development program. The objectives of this qualitative research with a grounded theory approach are to explore the concept of career planning and development, describe the steps/process in developing career planning and development, examine the role of human resource development (HRD) in implementing career planning and development, study the outcomes of implementing career planning and development, and develop a career planning and development model for four and five-star hotels in Chonburi and Rayong Provinces. The data collection methods in this study combined semi-structured interview, audio visual and document review methods with 25 participants as the General Manager, Management Team, Head of Department, and Head of Human Resource Department who work at four and five-star hotels in Chonburi and Rayong Provinces with at least 3 years working experience. Data analysis in this study was followed by Constructing Grounded Theory procedure. The findings are described as 1) Career planning and development concept, 2) Career planning and development steps/process as Step 1: Preparing career assessment, Step 2: Developing a career planning and development roadmap and action plan, Step 3: Reviewing and adjusting, Step 4: Submit plan to GM/Owners to get final approval, Step 5: Implementing and prioritizing, Step 6: Supporting and monitoring, and Step 7: Evaluating and feedback, 3) HRD role, and 4) Career planning and development outcomes. The findings also generated and presented a tentative model, “Career planning and development model for four and five-star hotels in Chonburi and Rayong Provinces”.

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How to Cite
Charoenarpornwattana, P. (2020). Career Planning and Development of Four and Five-Star Hotels in Chonburi and Rayong Provinces. Journal of HR intelligence, 15(1), 8–38. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Paratchanun Charoenpornwattana (Ph.D.), Faculty of Education, Burapha University

Head of Master of Arts in Human Resource Development Program

Editor in Chief of HRD Journal

Department Header of International Graduate Studies in Human Resource Development Department

Faculty of Education, Burapha University


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