Authentic Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, Perceived Organizational Support and Police Inspector Engagement in a Police Bureau in The Royal Thai Police

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Kankawee Adulyasak
Rattigorn Chongvisal


The objectives of this research were to study  1) the level of authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support and employee engagement,  2) the relationship between authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support and employee engagement and 3) to study influence of authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support on employee engagement. The samples of this research had been taken from 207 police inspectors in a police bureau in The Royal Thai Police. The data was collected through questionnaires. The results showed that 1) The level of authentic leadership and employee engagement were rather high. The level of workplace spirituality and perceived organizational support were medium. 2) Authentic leadership and workplace spirituality had positive relationship with employee engagement at .01 level of significance. Perceived organizational support had positive relationship with employee engagement at .05 level of significance. 3) Authentic leadership and workplace spirituality could predict 15.1% of employee engagement at .001 level of significant.

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How to Cite
Adulyasak, K., & Chongvisal, R. (2020). Authentic Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, Perceived Organizational Support and Police Inspector Engagement in a Police Bureau in The Royal Thai Police. Journal of HR intelligence, 15(2), 8–27. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Kankawee Adulyasak, Graduate Student, Master of Science Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Kasetsart University

Graduate Student, Master of Science Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Kasetsart University

Rattigorn Chongvisal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University

Associate Professor in Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University


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