The relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction and performance: The moderating effect of organizational commitment

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อรรถยา ยศประสิทธิ์
สมโภชน์ เอี่ยมสุภาษิต


The relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction, and performance was studied, with organizational commitment as moderator. Samples were 142 sales officers in a food and beverage company in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area (BMA). Data was collected by questionnaires. Personal factors, psychological capital with Cronbach’s Alpha at .955, job satisfaction with Cronbach’s Alpha at .912, organizational commitment with Cronbach’s Alpha at .899 were measured, and official yearly performance appraised. Data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC) and hierarchical multiple regression. Results were that psychological capital and job satisfaction positively correlated with performance at a .01 level (r = .372, r = .620). Organizational commitment moderated the relationship between job satisfaction and performance (β = .148, ∆R2 = .024) but did not between psychological capital and performance.

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ยศประสิทธิ์ อ., & เอี่ยมสุภาษิต ส. (2019). The relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction and performance: The moderating effect of organizational commitment. Journal of HR intelligence, 14(2), 48–65. retrieved from
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