Theoretical Models and Researches Involving Causal Factors of Self - directed Learning

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จารุวรรณ เขียวน้ำชุม
สุรีพร อนุศาสนนันท์
ไพรัตน์ วงษ์นาม


This article divided into two parts, part 1: gathering theoretical models of self-directed learning and part 2: reviewing researches involved causal factors effect on self-directed learning. In the first part, the theoretical models categorized into 3 groups of thought; namely 1) Linear Model, which viewed      self-directed learning as a step process, from first step to another step until met the learning goal;                    2) Interactive Model, which viewed that self-directed learning caused of interaction between personal factors and external factors of learners, and 3) Instructional Model, which viewed that self-directed learning developed under teacher role and instructional process consistent with 4 learning stages: Dependent Stage, Interested Stage, Involved Stage, and Self-direction Stage. In the second part,            as a causal factors researches reviewed of self - directed learning, the findings revealed that variables influencing self-directed learning comprises of both psychological characteristics within learners and other environment factors.  However, it still remained some variables might effected on self - directed learning which was the research questions and need to find out for further study.

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เขียวน้ำชุม จ., อนุศาสนนันท์ ส., & วงษ์นาม ไ. (2017). Theoretical Models and Researches Involving Causal Factors of Self - directed Learning. Journal of HR intelligence, 12(1), 125–140. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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