Relationship between Perceived Organizational Justice, Psychological Empowerment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Government Official in the Government Agency

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เกษราภรณ์ กุณรักษ์
ทิพทินนา สมุทรานนท์


This research had objectives to study the relationship between perceived organizational justice, psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior and the influence of the perceived organizational justice and psychological empowerment on organizational citizenship behavior of government official in the government agency. Populations were 796 government officials in the government agency and work in the center. Regarding a calculation of sample size by Krejcie and Morgan's table. The appropriate sample size stands at 260. Sampling was proportional stratified random sampling, then used simple random sampling method. Data were collected using perceived organizational justice questionnaires, psychological empowerment questionnaires and organizational citizenship behavior questionnaires. Validity, item discrimination power and reliability were tested on each measures. The reliability of questionnaires were .967, .935 and .936 respectively. The statistics used were percentage, average, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that the overall and each dimension of perceived organizational justice were positively related to organizational citizenship behavior with statistical significance. Moreover, overall and each dimension of psychological empowerment were positively related to organizational citizenship behavior with statistical significance and perceived organizational justice for interaction dimension, psychological empowerment for competency and impact had to influence with organizational citizenship behavior which could predict organizational citizenship behavior together with the result of 19.6 percent with statistical significance.

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กุณรักษ์ เ., & สมุทรานนท์ ท. (2019). Relationship between Perceived Organizational Justice, Psychological Empowerment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Government Official in the Government Agency. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(2), 34–53. retrieved from
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