Generation Y in the Digital Economy and Person-Organization Value Fit on Intention to Stay

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สุจินดา โพธิ์ไพฑูรย์


The objective of research is to study person-organization value fits (i.e., learning and growth, extrinsic rewards and work environment) on intention to stay of generation Y in the digital economy. Based on the P-O value fit theory, data were obtained from a survey of generation Y (n=1,127) divided into 3 groups based on their experience (below 1 year, 1-3 years and 4-6 years), namely freshman (n=282), junior (n=530) and senior (n=312). In-depth interviews of 22 managers are supplementary the data for triangulation. The results find that P-O value fits of all studied dimensions have positive relationships to generation Y’s intention to stay. More precisely on the positive effect of their intention to stay, freshman is significant to their P-O value fit on learning and growth; junior for the P-O fit on extrinsic rewards and work environment; and senior for the P-O fit on extrinsic rewards. Reflecting on the motivation crowding theory, the interaction effect of P-O fits between extrinsic rewards and work environment is negatively significant on their intention to stay. Hence, to retain generation Y’s stay in organization, the provision of HR policies should customize for each group of generation Y—freshman, junior and senior for enhancing sustainable organization in the digital economy.

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โพธิ์ไพฑูรย์ ส. (2018). Generation Y in the Digital Economy and Person-Organization Value Fit on Intention to Stay. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(2), 11–33. retrieved from
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