Application of the Enneagram in the Human Resource Development

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สุภัค วงศ์ดี
มณฑล สรไกรกิติกูล


 The human resource is a key driving for business performance in an organization. Leadership skill is an essential skill that required for an organization in the 21st century, which standing in a high competitive environment. The organization should focus on human resource development that based on utilizing the diversity of the internal strengths of each individual leader. This idea would provide the suitable leaders for an organization. The Enneagram is a model that helps to understand different leadership skills, which are located as internal skills or strengths of each individual worker. Thus, the Enneagram is consider as a new framework for human resource development processes in organization. It would develop a worker based on assessing and understanding of a diversity of internal strengths. Then, the unique training activities, individual development plans and career development plans would create to serve verities of leadership strengths in the organization. These would enhance the organization productivity level and create more understanding among people in the organization.

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How to Cite
วงศ์ดี ส., & สรไกรกิติกูล ม. (2019). Application of the Enneagram in the Human Resource Development. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(1), 99–117. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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