A Causal Relationship Model of the Performance of Labour Volunteers

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นราเขต ยิ้มสุข


This article aims to testing model of causal relationship model of the performance of labour volunteers includes public service motivation, social support, and prosocial behavior for promote a participation and volunteers performance. A sample is labour volunteers in Ayutthaya and Pathum Thani province 200 persons. An instrument of questionnaire for collective data, analyses causal relationship model of the performance of labour volunteers, and verifies consistency of direct and indirect effects and fitting of model and empirical data. A measurement of Chi-Square, RMSEA, RMR and CFI. Results were that causal relationship model of the performance of labour volunteers had fit to empirical data (X2 =23.726, df = 18, p = .164, X2/df = 1.31, RMSEA = .040, RMR = .004, CFI = .996, GFI = .974, and AGFI = .936) and variables in the adjusted model accounted for 82.9 percent of the volunteers performance. Suggestions for this research to labour volunteers as follows: Firstly, policy dimensions should have found on function and specific characteristics, efficiency of work, promoting motivation and performance, and protection labour rights. Secondly, research development focus on study role of labour volunteers to society, and consider responsible for job analysis, organizational structure, pay compensation, and role of trade unions.

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How to Cite
ยิ้มสุข น. (2018). A Causal Relationship Model of the Performance of Labour Volunteers. Journal of HR intelligence, 13(1), 79–98. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hri/article/view/211666
Research Articles


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