The Role of Human Resource Management as a driver for Organizational Innovation

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ปติมา น้อยกูต


The role of human resource management has evolved over the past few years. Most organizations have focused on human capital. Many scholars have recognized that human capital has influenced the success of corporate innovation. Because human resource management has to change its role in a more strategic direction. In order, to create a competitive advantage of the organization by using human capital which is a primary resource for achieving the goal of driving innovation. This article will present a literature review on human resource management to enhance organizational innovation. This involves changing the thought process that leads to organizational structure changes or various administrative processes to support or facilitate innovation in the organization. The content of this article begins by explaining the concepts and links between human resource management and organizational innovation. And the guidelines for human resource management, that can integrate mechanisms to enhance the innovation capability in the organization by various activities in the human resource management process. The end of the article will explain the importance of corporate culture. This is an important factor leading to the sustainability of corporate innovation. To reflect that human resource management plays an important role in the efficiency and sustainability of corporate innovation.

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How to Cite
น้อยกูต ป. (2020). The Role of Human Resource Management as a driver for Organizational Innovation. Journal of HR intelligence, 15(1), 101–117. retrieved from
Academic Articles