A Structural Equation Model of Human Resource Management Influences on Employee Performances

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เกศกุฎา โกฏิกุล


The objective of this research is to study the causal relationship and the structural equation model (SEM) of human resource management influences on employee performances. The six latent variables are employee relationship management, employee development, employee compensation, employee loyalty, knowledge sharing and employee performance. Empirical data were obtained from a sample of manager and non-manager employees of 220 companies. The analysis performed by using the LISREL software indicates that the proposed model confirms the hypotheses and satisfies the goodness-of-fit criteria. Results also indicate that employee performance is directly and indirectly influenced by employee loyalty and knowledge sharing. In addition, employee relationship management and employee compensation and reward have indirect influences through employee loyalty and knowledge sharing. Meanwhile, employee development has indirect influence on employee performances through knowledge sharing.


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How to Cite
โกฏิกุล เ. (2020). A Structural Equation Model of Human Resource Management Influences on Employee Performances. Journal of HR intelligence, 15(1), 77–100. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hri/article/view/193962
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