Needs in Human Resource Development Education at the Graduate Level in Thailand

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ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ดาวิษา ศรีธัญรัตน์


The educational programs in Human Resource Development (HRD) in Thailand have operated for more than 20 years, with a partnership between scholars and practitioners (McLean & Akaraborworn, 2014). As the quality of educational programs requires the content to be up-to-date and suitable for current situations (Kuchinke, 2007; Sritanyarat & Russ-Eft, 2016), this paper provides an understanding of the needs in HRD Education at the graduate level in Thailand.  A review of literature and interviews with HRD education stakeholders were performed to develop the questionnaire. Further, a survey was performed with various stakeholders. It was found that the most needed areas in HRD education were communication, talent management, consultation, and organizational culture. Exploratory factor analysis categorized the subject areas into ten groups, including human resource development in different contexts, such as individual level organizational level, and international context, human resource management, research methods, business management, theory-based courses, and ethics. The results of this study aligned with the literature, as well as Thailand’s HR professional standards. This paper reveals the expected outcomes of HRD programs and offers implications for designing, improving, and evaluating curriculum of the HRD programs according to the needs of various stakeholders.

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ศรีธัญรัตน์ ผ. ด. (2019). Needs in Human Resource Development Education at the Graduate Level in Thailand. Journal of HR intelligence, 14(1), 68–87. retrieved from
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