Utilizing Extensive Reading Activities to Improve English Reading Comprehension of the First-Year Students at Ratchathani University

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Wasan Homchan


This research of utilizing extensive reading activities to improve English reading comprehension of the first-year students at Ratchathani University was aiming at 1) comparing English reading comprehension of the first-year students before and after using extensive reading (ER) and 2) evaluating the students’ satisfaction toward ER. The sample were 64 first-year students in first semester, 2019. The research instruments consisted of 8 lesson plans, before-and-after reading comprehension tests, a reading record form, and satisfaction questionnaire. For data analysis, the researcher employed the mean, standard deviation and percentage, using computer program. The hypotheses of this research was tested by using t-test for dependent samples. The research results revealed as follows: 1) Mean score in the reading comprehension test after using ER were higher than pretest with a statistical significance level of .05 2) The students’ satisfaction toward ER was at a high level which passed the pre-set criterion.

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