Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Sugarcane cutting and carry on truck workers in Kumphawapi District, Udon Thani Province

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Kawitthrarin Khanaphan
Praisuwan khanaphan


          Cross-sectional descriptive research The objective is to assess ergonomic risk and fatigue from of sugarcane cutting and carry on truck workers in Kumphawapi District Udon Thani province, 62 people. Data collection using a personal data questionnaire. Body discomfort and Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS). The researchers analyzed the data by applying descriptive statistics such as percentage, average and standard deviation.

The study found that sugarcane cutting and carry on truck workers. The majority are females (77.42%), aged between 31-45 years old (43.55%),working for 8 hours per day (100.00%). Most sugarcane cutting and carry on truck               workers had moderate discomfort on lower arm left (90.32%), followed by knee right (77.42%) and lower arm right (67.74%) respectively. Ergonomic risk assessment using the OWAS assessment found that sugarcane cutting and        carry on truck workers at risk level 4 (very dangerous) very high risk of causing harm to muscles and bones was found to have a high risk at sugarcane cutting (56.25%), followed by the lifting sugarcane on truck (35.71%) and lifting                sugarcane to the shoulders (21.43%), respectively.

Should provide training on the knowledge of ergonomics and working posture suitable for sugarcane cutting and carry on truck workers. To prevent skeletal and muscle injury and pain after long-term work.

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