Parents’ Satisfaction towards the Administrator of Phong-Phaew Suksa Panyanusorn School, Mahachanachai District, Yasothorn Province, under the jurisdiction of the Office of Yasothorn Provincial Superintendent.

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กิฐพินิจพงษ์ ผ่องแผ้ว
สุรางคนา มัณยานนท์


The objective of this research was to study parents’ satisfaction towards the administrator of Phong-Phaew Suksa Panyanusorn School, Mahachanachai District, Yasothorn Province, under the jurisdiction of the Office of Yasothorn Provincial Superintendent. The sample consisted of 200 students’ parents at Phong-Phaew Suksa Panyanusorn School, Mahachanachai District, Yasothorn Province, under the jurisdiction of the Office of Yasothorn Provincial Superintendent in the academic year of 2560 B.E. The tool was a 60-item satisfaction questionnaire towards the administrator of Phong-Phaew Suksa Panyanusorn School, Mahachanachai District, Yasothorn Province, under the jurisdiction of the Office of Yasothorn Provincial Superintendent. It was a 5-level rating scale type, ranking from the most satisfaction to the least one, divided into six aspects, with IOC index between 0.67-1.00, and the validity of .97. Data were collected in the academic year of 2560 B.E. The statistic used to analyze the data included mean and standard deviation.

          The findings revealed that:

          The parents’ satisfaction towards the administrator of Phong-Phaew Suksa Panyanusorn School, Mahachanachai District, Yasothorn Province, under the jurisdiction of the Office of Yasothorn Provincial Superintendent as a whole and in individual aspects were at high levels. When considering in individual aspects, they were ranked from the highest mean score to the least in the following respects: Personnel Administration, Office, Financial and Material Administration, Student Affair Administration, Academic Administration, School Plant Administration, and Public Relation.

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