The Satisfaction of people towards Public Services in Ubon Ratchathani Municipality

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สกลรัชต์ คงรอด
อัญญาณี อดทน


This research objectives are: 1) to study the satisfaction of using public park services in Ubon Ratchathani Municipality; 2) to compare the satisfaction of public park services in Ubon Ratchathani Municipality. The sample used in the research is a population representative of Ubon Ratchathani Municipality. The sample size was to calculated by using Taro Yamane. The sample used in this study was 389 people. The tool used in this research was a questionnaire to measure the satisfaction of users in the public park services in Ubon Ratchathani Municipality. The research was divided into 2 parts: Part 1: Personal information of the respondents; Part 2: Facility. Data analysis consists of the five-level questionnaire and the open-ended questionnaire. Statistics used for the analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test.

The research found that overall, those who used the park service were very satisfied. Location satisfaction had the highest average. Park users were satisfied at a high level ( =4.30). Public park users were highly satisfied ( =4.13) and secure parking, the average satisfaction was minimal. The satisfaction of facilities and activities such as the stadium, running tracks, aerobics, etc. had the highest satisfaction ( =4.05), followed by sports activities such as running, Thai ball game, and basketball, Park users were satisfied at a high level ( =3.98) and the bathrooms were adequate for service. The average satisfaction was minimal.

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Research Article


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