Teachers’ Opinions towards Power Exercises of School Administrators under the Jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29.

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จินตาภา วามนตรี
ทองสุข วันแสน
สุรศักดิ์ หลาบมาลา
สมบัติ มหารศ


This research aimed to 1) study teachers’ opinions towards power exercises of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29, 2) compare the teachers’ opinions towards power exercises of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29, and 3) study guidelines for developing power exercises of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29.This research was conducted in two stages: The first stage was to study the teachers’ opinions towards the power exercises of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29. The sample consisted of 302 people; the research tool was a questionnaire with discrimination index between 0.07-0.66, and the reliability was 0.88. The data were analyzed by frequencies, means, percentage, average and standard deviation. The comparison of the opinions towards the power exercises of the school administrators classified by status, genders, by using t-test Independent, and classified by teaching experiences by using F-test: One Way ANOVA. The second stage was to study the guidelines for developing the power exercises of the school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29 by interviewing.The sample consisted of 20 peoples, selected by purposive sampling. The tool for gathering data was the interview guideline with its index of item objective congruence at 1.00 in all items. The data was analyzed by content analysis and summarized by narrative.

The results of the research were as follows:

  1. 1. The teachers’ opinions towards the power exercises of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29, as a whole, it were at high level. When considered each aspect, it revealed to be high level in all 5 aspects; 1) Expert, 2) Legitimate, 3) Coercive, 4) Reference, and 5) Information 

  2. 2. The results of comparison of the opinions towards the power exercises of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29, classified by genders, we found that the overall was different at the statistically significant 0.05 level, when consider each aspect, there were different in all aspects at the statistically significant at 0.05 level which consisted of; 1) Expert, 2) Legitimate, 3) Coercive, 4) Reference, and 5) Information. When classified by teaching experiences, we found that it was not different at the statistically significant 0.05 level.

  3. 3. The results of the guidelines for developing the power exercises of the school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29 revealed as follows: 1) Expert Power, the administrator should develop in the area of curriculum development, research for educational quality development, personnel planning, knowledge and guideline on organizational control, and budget planning and proposal, budget allocation, financial management, accountant and resource management. 2) Legitimate power, the administrator should develop in the areas of regulations related to supervision and control teachers’ performance, disciplines and, regulation on salary and promotion. 3) Coercive Power, the administrator should develop on command power, punishment, both on teaching, working on time, and behaviors. 4) Reference Power, the administrator should develop in the areas of cooperation of academic development and co-working with other organizations to promote efficient performance. 5) Information Power, the administrator should develop in the areas of educational medias, innovation and technology, educational supervision, counseling, promoting community knowledge, systems and information networking development, cooperation and educational network development, information technology, and public relations on education.

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