A Study of Status, Problems, and Approaches of the Children Support System in Schools under the Yasothorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1.

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อัญทลียา ยอดมั่น
อานันต์ ทาปทา
ชวนคิด มะเสนะ


The purposes of this research were to 1) study status, problems, and approaches of the children support system in schools under the Yasothorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 2) compare opinions between administrators and teachers regrading status and problems on the children support system in schools under the Yasothorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, and 3) study for the approaches to develop the children support system in schools under the Yasothorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Samples were 132 administrators and 331 teachers selected by using the simple random sampling method. The research instruments included a 5-rating scale questionnaire with reliability at .87. Statistics used in analyzing the data were percentage, average, standard deviation, and t-test.

Results of the research were indicated as follows:

  1. 1. The overall results of the children support system approach in schools under the Yasothorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were found at high level and problems in approaching the children support system were at low level.

  2. 2. Results on the comparison of opinions between administrators and teachers towards the status and problems in approaching the children support system indicated that there were no significant difference regarding genders, positions, and years of experiences.

  3. 3. Approaches in developing the children support system in schools under the Yasothorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were identified in 5 aspects. Results suggested that in the aspect of knowing students individually, the information of individual students should be recorded systematically by homeroom teacher. In the aspect of screening students, individual information should be analyzed by using the standard screening form provided by the Office of the Basic Education. In the aspect of supporting and developing students, schools should support and develop the desired characteristics with the emphasis on the community engagement. The aspect of preventing, assisting, and solving found that schools needed the involvement of boy scout activities in teaching and learning life skills, giving advices, and providing awareness of misbehaviors, sexual, and drugs. In the aspect of student transferring, schools should transfer students to secondary schools nearby for a 100% every year after their graduation.

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