Building equilibrium between right protections of the suspect with the right in information acknowledgement of people study narcotic case.

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วสันต์ กอบคำ
กรันต์ ธนธูเทพ
พิศิษฐ์ กันธทิพย์
มนไท ประมูลจักโก


This research aimed (1) to study concepts and principles related to right protection of an accused and the right in acquiring information about people,           (2) to study regulations outside of country law and in-house law related to the right protection of an accused and the right in acquiring information of people, (3) to study problems of reporting the case to mass media, and (4) to recommend the action to balance the right of the accused and reveal the information to the public. This study was done by means of document research and content analysis, and reported the study in form of narration.

          The findings were summarized as follows.

  1. 1. The concepts and principles related to the right protection of an accused revealed that it was done based on the Constitution of B.E. 2540, and B.E. 2550, while the rights of the people in acquiring the information on the matter was based on the Act of public information disclosure.

  2. 2. International regulations and laws related to the matter found that it emphasized on the right of the accused while Thai laws might also be concerned about the right of the accused, but also opened to the public by other laws.

  3. 3. Problems related to the matter revealed that, other countries did not report the case to mass media for fearing that it would affect the perceptions and judgment of the juries, while the practice in Thailand found that the mass media reporting of the case violated the human right of the accused and made him feel embarrassment.

  4. 4. The recommendations to make the balance between mass media reporting the case and public information disclosure were to abolish mass media reporting of the case, and only the result of the filing the case should be disclosed to the public.

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Research Article


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