Death and Memory:

Content Analysis of Narratives about Experiences of Loss


  • Weena Wutthichamnong Silpakorn University


content analysis, narrative structure, narrator, memory, death


The content of narratives can indicate which topics are imprinted on the memory of the narrator. This article examines narratives about experiences of loss using a content analysis approach. Data are from seventeen experiences-of-loss stories published in an e-book called “Rueang Lao Haeng Khwam Khop Khun” (Narrative of Gratitude). Findings reveal that there are twenty narrative topics that can be classified into five groups; situations before death, the last moment of the dead, situations after death, the narrator’s opinion, and blessings from the narrator. The most frequently mentioned topics are the last moment of the dead and the narrator’s opinion. Findings indicate that the content of these narratives conform to narrative structure and follow chronological sequences of events.

Author Biography

Weena Wutthichamnong, Silpakorn University

Department of Thai, Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Wutthichamnong, W. (2022). Death and Memory:: Content Analysis of Narratives about Experiences of Loss. Journal of Letters, 51(2), 69–90. retrieved from



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