English-Thai Conceptual Metaphor Translation in Skincare Advertisements


  • Onsurang Saengsomsurasak Chulalongkorn University
  • Tongtip Poonlarp Chulalongkorn University


skincare advertisements, conceptual metaphors, translation, translation strategies, English-Thai


This article explores English-to-Thai translations of conceptual metaphors in skincare advertisements on websites. Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of 120 skincare advertisements and their translations from eight brands collected from their official websites between 2019 and 2021, this study reveals the ten most common conceptual metaphors in skincare advertisements: war metaphors, health metaphors, human-being metaphors, plant and cultivation metaphors, light metaphors, textile and clothing metaphors, machine metaphors, food and nutrition metaphors, cleaning action metaphors, and container metaphors. The most frequent translation strategy found is retention of the source-text conceptual metaphor. Interestingly, addition of a new metaphor into the target text – where there is no metaphor in the original – could be observed, indicating flexibility in advertising translation.

Author Biographies

Onsurang Saengsomsurasak, Chulalongkorn University

Master of Arts Program in Translation and Interpretation, Faculty of Arts,

Tongtip Poonlarp, Chulalongkorn University

Chalermprakiat Center of Translation and Interpretation, Faculty of Arts



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How to Cite

Saengsomsurasak, O., & Poonlarp, T. (2022). English-Thai Conceptual Metaphor Translation in Skincare Advertisements. Journal of Letters, 51(2), 91–114. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jletters/article/view/262041



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