Attitudes towards Thai Regional Dialects among Students Who Have Studied Linguistics and Those Who Have Not Studied Linguistics


  • Jaralvilai Charunrochana Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen


Attitude, Thai Dialects, Linguistics, Objectiveness, Matched-guise Technique


The question examined in this research is whether knowledge of linguistics can make students more objective in their attitudes towards speakers of regional dialects. Data was collected from 236 undergraduate students who had completed two courses in linguistics and 192 who had never studied the subject. In this research the matched-guise technique was utilized. Respondents evaluated guise speakers on five characteristics: friendliness, intelligence, morality, physical attraction and wealth, using a 5-point scale. Although both groups of students made more positive assessments of speakers who used standard Thai, those who had studied linguistics reacted significantly less negatively to regional dialect users, i.e., Thai Southern and Northeastern dialect speakers, especially in terms of friendliness, morality, and physical attraction.

Author Biography

Jaralvilai Charunrochana, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen

Department of Liberal Arts


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How to Cite

Charunrochana, J. (2019). Attitudes towards Thai Regional Dialects among Students Who Have Studied Linguistics and Those Who Have Not Studied Linguistics. Journal of Letters, 48(2), 33–51. retrieved from