Spanish Verb Forms Expressing Futurity:
Thai University Undergraduates’ Errors
error analysis (EA), contrastive analysis (CA), Spanish verb forms, futurity, Thai learners of Spanish, Spanish as a foreign languageAbstract
This mixed-method research examines errors in the use of Spanish verb forms to express futurity. The sample consists of 74 Thai university undergraduate students (2nd, 3rd and 4th year) majoring in Spanish at the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Contrastive Analysis (CA) and Error Analysis (EA) are the main theoretical frameworks used to account for various errors found in the students’ essays and cloze test. The errors detected are presented statistically to show their frequencies and to identify their causes. The analysis reports that to express futurity Thai university undergraduate learners have difficulties in assimilating the grammatical, semantic and pragmatic rules of verb forms. On the other hand, the interference of mother language and some strategies, such as simplification and hypercorrection, can be observed. To ensure efficient assimilation of verb forms expressing futurity, this paper recommends that the focus of teaching be on the attitudes of speakers and level of commitment conveyed by those verb forms.
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