The Importance of Numeral Systems in Trinisinghe


  • ณัฐธัญ มณีรัตน์ Doctor of Philosophy Program in Pali-Sanskrit and Buddhist studies, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • ชานป์วิชช์ ทัดแก้ว Pali-Sanskrit Section, Department of Western Languages, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


Trinisinghe, Yantra, magic squares, the erasable symbolic figures treatises, symbolic figures


Trinisinghe is one of the most important Siamese magical manuscripts because it explains numbers and ancient numeral systems in the Thai Yantra system. The numbers in this manuscript come from magic squares which are composed from the mathematical knowledge of many ancient civilizations. Numbers also relate to the stars in our solar system and can be combined with religious concepts, especially Buddhist philosophy. Thus, effective learning Siamese-Yantra the learners must study Trinisinghe - one of the five important Lop Pong scriptures as the fundamental knowledge. Trinisinghe also plays an important role in magical rituals and the Thai Yantra system, including its representation of the development of mathematics in ancient Thailand. Moreover, the understanding of this manuscript can illustrate philosophical and religious development in ancient Thai society. Some knowledge of this treatise can be applied to many sciences and its mechanical numbers provide evidence of the origin of mathematical ideas which have spread all over the region and been accepted by western scholars. 


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How to Cite

มณีรัตน์ ณ., & ทัดแก้ว ช. (2019). The Importance of Numeral Systems in Trinisinghe. Journal of Letters, 48(1), 144–161. retrieved from