Individuals with Disabilities in Japan


  • ยุวดี วิริยางกูร Special Education Program, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University


Japan, disabilities, independent living, education, employment, attitude toward disabilities


This article reports a brief history of the field of disabilities in Japan as well as support and services for people with disabilities. It also lists organizations and individuals who have made the changes in support and services for people with disabilities. Current Japanese laws regarding support and services for people with disabilities are summarized. The author discusses current situations of individuals with disabilities in the aspects of independent living, education, employment, and attitude toward disabilities. This article concludes with the future trends in the area of support and services for people with disabilities.


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How to Cite

วิริยางกูร ย. (2018). Individuals with Disabilities in Japan. Journal of Letters, 47(1), 285–343. retrieved from