Remarks on the uses of question words in current Thai


  • นันทนา วงษ์ไทย Center of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University


question words, functions, indirect speech acts, discourse markers, grammaticalization


The paper aims to propose the remarks on the uses of question words in Thai in the current time. Not only do they function as a request for information from the addressees, they are also used to indicate other intentions of the speakers, which are considered pragmatically as indirect speech acts. They are also used to perform other functions besides those found in the previous studies, which are to ensure that the addressees are with the speakers, to mock the addressees, to mean ‘very much’, to give an opinion and to show the ignorance for addressees’ utterances. The paper, moreover, proposes the remark that in some context whereby the question word ‘ปะ’ /pàɁ/, the allophone of the question word ‘หรือเปล่า’ /rʉ̌ːplàːw/ and the question word ‘มะ’ /máɁ/, the allophone of the question word ‘ไหม’ /mǎj/ can substitute each other. Lastly, it shows that the question words ‘ปะ’ /pàɁ/ and ‘มะ’ /máɁ/ are used as discourse markers to indicate an assertion of the information of the speaker. This may reveal the grammaticalization of those two words from the question words to discourse markers.


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How to Cite

วงษ์ไทย น. (2018). Remarks on the uses of question words in current Thai. Journal of Letters, 47(1), 1–38. retrieved from