Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Benefactive Markers phuea and hai in Thai


  • พิรุฬห์ ปิยมหพงศ์ Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University
  • กิ่งกาญจน์ เทพกาญจนา Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University


benefaction, benefactive construction, benefactive marker, semantic extension, functional extension


Benefaction and benefactive construction have received much attention in linguistic study. However, there is little research conducted on benefactive construction in Thai. This current research paper therefore has these specific purposes: to investigate and compare the syntactic as well as semantic properties of two benefactive markers, namely ‘phuea’ and ‘hai’ in Thai, and to analyze factors contributing to these differences. The researcher collected data from the Thai National Corpus (TNC) under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Mahachakri Sirindhorn. The study revealed that although similar in marking beneficiary, ‘phuea’ and ‘hai’ were both syntactically and semantically different. The two markers were syntactically different in the three following aspects: the omission of beneficiary noun phrase, beneficiary preposing, and co-occurrence with other prepositions. Semantically, the benefactive markers were different in two main aspects: a beneficiary’s awareness of benefaction and  co-occurrence with subtypes of beneficiary. Dissimilarity in the original meaning of each marker contributes to differences in syntactic and semantic properties; that is to say, CAUSE is the original meaning of the benefactive marker ‘phuea’, whereas TRANSFERRING POSSESSION is the original meaning of the benefactive marker ‘hai’. Due to this, the patterns of semantic and functional extension of the two forms are dissimilar. This renders the differences in syntactic and semantic properties of both markers.


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How to Cite

ปิยมหพงศ์ พ., & เทพกาญจนา ก. (2018). Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Benefactive Markers phuea and hai in Thai. Journal of Letters, 46(2), 345–407. retrieved from