The spirit of "Art Deco movement" in Fuzhou area of China is integrated into lacquer accessories

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Xiaohua Lin


Lacquer art in the process of production also injected the author's thoughts and emotions, giving personality spiritual connotation, so that it is rich in artistic beauty. In Chinese history, "lacquer" has already gone beyond the category of "thing" and become a part of spirit. In classical aesthetics, "lacquer" is reflected in the effect of people on "lacquer", which expresses individual learning and mood. In terms of modern aesthetics, lacquer art is related to contemporary cultural context, Chinese survival experience and individual spiritual wisdom. The application of lacquer art by Western artists in "Art Deco" pays attention to the luxurious decorative effect, but also pays attention to the expression techniques of modernism, especially the use of modern materials in classical forms. Whether it is in the color combination, pattern pattern, modeling combination, or in the design concept and the integration of multi-culture art, it has brought new application design methods and design ideas to the modern Chinese lacquer art. This Article aimed to study (1) the cultural overview of Chinese lacquer art and the "spiritual beauty" in lacquer art; (2) The performance theme and pattern decoration characteristics of the lacquer ware in Fuzhou area; (3) The aesthetic characteristics of the decorative art movement, and summarize the color types and characteristics, modeling characteristics, pattern types and characteristics of decorative art;On the basis of the above research, the decorative characteristics of Fuzhou area paint art combined with the patterns, shapes and colors of different artistic styles of "Art Deco movement" are applied to the design of current Chinese accessories, which can not only inherit this traditional arts and crafts, but also find a design method that can integrate Chinese national characteristics for the current Chinese accessories.

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How to Cite
Lin, X. (2024). The spirit of "Art Deco movement" in Fuzhou area of China is integrated into lacquer accessories. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism, 8(1). Retrieved from
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